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Doors Open:

7:00 pm.

TWOTHIRTYTWO - The Hope We Had EP Tour.

So much more rewarding than a typical indie-rock band - Music Gleaner.

Twothirtytwo, delivering alternative rock that sits somewhere between The Gaslight Anthem and a whole host of British rockers - Punktastic

Future chart-botherers. – The Musical Melting Pot

Twothirtytwo are an alt-rock band from Aldershot influenced by The National, Springsteen, and Hell Is For Heroes.

A cold dead militant place, Aldershot used to be praised as the stomping ground of Hundred Reasons, Vex Red, Reuben & Caretaker. Now it’s home to a diverse array of hopefuls, wannabes and household names like Jamie Lenman, Our Lost Infantry & Parachute for Gordo. Inspired by local acts old and new, twothirtytwo’s live shows pack in the energy with a buzz that sparks Aldershot back into life.

Twothirtytwo formed in 2012 shortly after Andrew and Chris Haye left University. Andrew had been begging the pseudo-diva-voice-of-an-angel- intellect Chris to play bass in his band for about a year and finally with no more books to read Chris gave in. Using their musicianly wiles, Andrew and Chris soon captured Carlos Benn (a silent Kiss-obsessed drummer liberated from a marching band), Robert Smith (a legendary guitarist with a delay pedal for a heart), and second guitarist Alex Harrison a nutter so addicted to energy drinks that his life should be sponsored by Red Bull.

Their debut EP ‘The Hope We Had’ was recorded at The Ranch Production House (home to records by Funeral for a Friend, Polar, Landscapes & Gnarwolves) and will be released on Rose Coloured Records.

Twothirtytwo have appeared alongside We Are The Ocean, maybeshewill, The Xcerts, Sky Larkin, The Physics House band, More Than Conquerors, Our Lost Infantry, Brawlers, Delta Sleep & The After Party.

Free Entry.

Entry: 18+.

The Boileroom, 13 Stoke Fields 13 Stoke Fields, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LS