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‘Z’oo @ alphaBEATs Maidstone


About this Event

Thursday 22nd January 2015

‘Z’oo @ alphaBEATs Maidstone

**£1 J-Bombs - £1.50 vodka/mixers**


The alphaBEATs Zoo is coming to Maidstone! We’ve got some AMAZING inflatable animals coming to the club to turn Wonderland into a tropical rainforest, complete with awesome decorations around the club and the alphaBEATs face painters turning you into your animals of choice! Don’t forget your animal onesies!


Jung Bombs - £1 ALL NIGHT

Vodka & Mixer - (including energy) £1.50 ALL NIGHT

Everything else - £££NOT MUCH


It's just £3 before 11pm

and £5 thereafter


If you need anything just drop us an email at maidstone@alphabeats.co.uk OR

message our Facebook page OR

tweet us @alphabeatsuk OR

text us on 07937 947997 (this is an SMS only number)

Wonderland Nightclub Maidstone, Units 1-3 Barker Road, Lockmeadow Entertainment Complex, Units 1-3 Barker Road, Lockmeadow Entertainment Complex,, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8LW