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13th Feburay 1692 Massacre of Glencoe: About 78 Macdonalds at Glen Coe, Scotland are killed early in the morning for not promptly pledging allegiance to the new king, William of Orange.


This ultimately led to Mel Gibson staring in Braveheart and lots of "lads" shouting Freedom at the top of there lungs at opportune bravado moments. Fair to say old Willy Orange couldn't have predicted that

The chances of any of the loopt "lads" causing an American made, Antipodean headed, Scottish, factually inaccurate period drama, are, well, zero.

They will play really good house, techno, disco, and edits, which old Mel the bigoted fuck wont be doing. (he might be, you cant prove that. ed)


(free entry)

Milk, 8 Merchants Place 8 Merchants Place, Reading, Berkshire RG1 1DT