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About this Event

Do you fancy yourself as an Appleton Estate rum connoisseur?

Well you've come to the right place! Here at Revolucion de Cuba we want our de Cuban community to fully discover Appleton Estate Rum and so cordially invite you to our Rum Tasting event.

With limited spaces available to this free event spaces will be snatched up quick.So if you fancy an intimate look into the history of the Appleton estate, an introduction to the range of rum and sampling of the best Appleton estate cocktails get in touch now...

Make sure you call our party team on 01603 85 75 65 or drop us an email at party-norwich@revoluciondecuba.com to BOOK YOUR SPACES!

Revolucion de Cuba, 7-9 Queen Street 7-9 Queen Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4TL