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About this Event

Join us this Saturday for a fabulous evening starting as early as 8pm with free mini cocktail master classes running! All cocktails are half price until 11pm buy one then come behind the bar and learn how to make it yourself with one of our experienced bar tenders! A great way to start the evening! For more details email: Promotions@sakurareading.com or call 0118 958 6839 or 07557673114

Come and join our Harajuku Girl dancers in our seductive Twisted Tokyo Club room with the best house and chart music there is!

Write your names on the wall for guest list for £2 off entry prices - giving you £4 entry before 12pm and £6 after!

For a extra glamourous night why not book a VIP table with luxury service all night, complimentary entry and queue jump - quote this code 'HarajukuGirl123' via email to us for 10% off your table booking!


Coalition Reading, 5 Gun Street 5 Gun Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 2