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miss scarlet diamonte


About this Event

Scarlet Diamonte’ has been on the go for several years, born and bred in Tillydrone, Aberdeen has adapted the role of the jewel of Scotland and has performed all over the UK and abroad.

Usually based in London she has opened for several celebrity parties and been the headline act at London’s exclusive black cap. She is also well known in Aberdeen City as she performs there on occasion and always receives rave reviews.

Her travels have seen her working many seasons on the cruise line and even working alongside Emmerdale actress Kim Tate who played Claire King on the soap.

Most recently Scarlet was seen on Sky Living’s ‘Four Wedding’s’ where her entertainment scored 10/10 which is the highest the show has received. You can see more information about her appearance on the show by visiting the Sky Living website.

With fabulous home made dresses and custom made dresses, she belts out everything from Lady Gaga to Patsy Cline, from Queen to even as current as Emeli Sande and Jessie J. So there will be something for everyone to listen to and enjoy!

Owner of Cheers Cafe Bar and Tavern, Dennis Forsyth said:

“I think Scarlet Diamonte is a very good act to bring to Fraserburgh. She has performed for many celebrity parties and has made a big name for herself down in the London area and also in Aberdeen

Queen Anne Maidstone, Queen Anne Road Queen Anne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1HA