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**TONIGHT !! ** Charlie's Charity Fund Event w/ High Contrast, Serial Killa


About this Event

'There's a cure for anything... you just need to stay strong and never be wrong.’

Charlie is a 8-year-old boy who is going through chemo he has stage 4 brain cancer. He had brain surgery, 38 rounds of radiotherapy, and physiotherapy.

Charlie now needs a wheelchair and may need proton beam therapy, however this is not available here in the UK as of yet. We are doing this fundraiser to raise as much money as possible to go into his funds, to help pay for the treatment should he need it. Fingers crossed we have luck on our side and hopefully he wins this battle, and won't need further treatment after January.

TICKETS → http://bit.ly/CharliesFundTIX

DONATE → http://bit.ly/CharliesFundDONATE

However incase of a relapse we want the option to take the proton. If we are this lucky and do not need it then we will donate all of the money raised from this fundraising event and all other funds raised to the john Radcliffe children's cancer ward for the children, as young as only a few months old in to their lives and going through the same as Charlie.

Main room:

High Contrast

Serial Killaz

Two Of Us

Elevated Bass

Mandem B2B Phorm


Riko Dan

Felon MC [Cancelled due to circumstances out of our control]

Elevated Bass MC's

Boppa MC


Tizzy J

Garden terrace:


DJ Tempa

Neil Mac


Cures B2B Dokerty B2B Kona Kona

Kurse & KMack

This will be an amazing night with lots of people pulling together. Thank you all and we hope to see you on the night!

Club20, 20 HOSIER STREET 20 HOSIER STREET, Reading, Berkshire RG1 7JL