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About this Event

The funk of forty thousand years, grizzly ghouls from every tomb. Are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive

Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist

The evil of The Trip Halloween special

Hosted by sith lord Jim B Donovan-Count Jimula for the night- The Trip Halloween special is something to behold and somewhat of an institution.(and they think jim should be in one)

More records from the dark side than you could possibly imagine and of course the annual fancy dress competition judged by Lord Donovan himself, with some fantastic prizes to be won.

Also special goulish day of the deah inspired cocktail menu from Patron Tequila and Bacardi Rums all night

PLUS Please note that MILK has some extra jazz as THE TRIP on November 28 th, steps aside to let Smiler, Keith and Dan take over MILK for their vinyl FOURTH DIMENSION night. The TRIP therefore in November is two weeks earlier on NOVEMBER 14th.

Free entry as ever

Take a listen in 2 parts to last years horror-fest


Milk, 8 Merchants Place 8 Merchants Place, Reading, Berkshire RG1 1DT