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YBD MACs Santa vs Elves Christmas Party


About this Event

Free shot on entry Guest list, simply say you are attending on the event to get a free shot on entry to ships and giggles

THE 4th of our huge monthly socials, following the success of our ARMY NIGHT, HALLOWEEN NIGHT, and BEACH NIGHT we are throwing a festive christmas extraviganza


Start your night at Preston’s best Pre-Bar, its decorated and all cosy wosy, its free entry, and get your exclusive £3 tickets that gets you entry to MACS

Popular Drinks from £2

And all the best Chart, Indie and Party Music with DJ KRISH

Step 2: MACS

join us at Preston’s most popular student venue!

2 floors of music

3 DJ's Including the Return of DJ Flix to the Redroom

Popular drinks from £1.50

Prizes for best dressed

& lots of freebies

Group and VIP Bookings availible


Placebo Preston, Market Street Market Street, Preston, Lancashire PR1 2ES