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Cuban Heals Roadshow Parte Dos (Part Two)


About this Event

With the success of Cuban Heals Roadshow - Resolution de Cuba on Monday 11th we are doing it all over again.

We are spreading the Cuban kindness and having a huge roadshow. This roadshow will give you all the opportunity to try new things, sample the things we offer, meet new people and most of all have a fantastic time.

So what we will be doing is holding different sessions around the venue. You will get to take part in every sessions and it’s absolutely FREE. These will include:


Ever wondered how our bartenders make that perfect mojito? You will get to watch, learn and ask as many questions as you like and of course we will let you make them and most defintaly drink them.


Sample different spiced rums from around the world and learn the history behind them. We will give you all the information on our current rum club and the different cocktails included.


You do not have to be a pro to take part in this Salsa session. It’s just a bit of fun. We shall show you the basics.

Each session will take 20-30 minutes.

Revolucion de Cuba, 9 The Strand 9 The Strand, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 1BJ