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THE MYSTERY JETS + The Big Moon at 53 Degrees // 9th October 2016


About this Event

It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since Mystery Jets broke surface with their debut album, Making Dens. While so many of their more two dimensional peers have long since faded away, what’s kept Mystery Jets consistently fascinating over the last decade has been an itchy footed desire to keep trying new things. From follow up Twenty One’s dazzling jumble of electro, off kilter indie and suitjacket-sleeves-rolled-up yacht rock, Serotonin’s well-buffed melodies and the dust-stained Americana of 2012’s Radlands, to be a follower of Mystery Jets’ music has been to eagerly await the next move of their restlessly curious muse.

On Curve Of The Earth, Mystery Jets have changed tack again, only this time it’s been to strip back some of their more shapeshifting tendencies and distil the essence of what makes them such a great band. Arguably their strongest, most personal and most coherent set of tracks to date, it highlights what the kids down the front of their shows shouting “Zoo Time!” have known all along, that at their centre Mystery Jets simply write amazing songs.

Where Mystery Jets go next after this is anyone’s guess, yet given the strength of Curve Of The Earth the next ten years look set to be as exciting for us listeners as the first.


Catch them on our stage here in Preston on Sunday 9th October.

53 Degrees, Brook St Brook St, Preston, Lancashire PR1 7BQ