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Destructive Promotions presents Earthmass


About this Event

Destructive Promotions proudly present a night of great local Metal!

We will have the Earthmass hitting Norwich with support from Clan, Ghosts of Men and Kamensko

Tickets are £3 adv. and £5 otd so please try to buy in advanced from any of the bands or Destructive Promotions

Doors open @ 7:00 - first band play at 7:30 pm.

Here're the bands - make sure to give them a like :D

Eathmass: https://www.facebook.com/earthmass/?fref=ts

EARTHMASS is a four piece band from Essex, South-East England. Featuring members of Chestburster and The 5 String Dropout Band, these guys have been Providing a variety of Metal, Doom and Prog, for nearly four years now.

Clan: https://www.facebook.com/clantheband/?fref=ts

The combined musical influences in Clan bring forth a record that will please fans of vintage fuzz, blues rock and dirty beats- a keen sense of vocal melody combined with grooving guitar/bass unison riffs and thunderous drums. At a recent gig, Clan were described as “The Dead Weather meets Deep Purple Mark II with a hint of Fu Manchu and Kyuss.”

Ghosts Of Men: https://www.facebook.com/ghostsofmen/?fref=ts

Two Men. Two Ghosts; And Ghosts Of Men Too.....

A truly massive guitar sound and huge groove laden drums mixed in with seductive vocals make for a musical experience that is at the same time as fresh and new as it is dirty and as old as time. Dripping with funky, sleazy riffs and primal choruses, less in this case really does mean more.

Kamensko: https://www.facebook.com/Kamenskoband/?fref=ts

A unified love for sludge/stoner rock, metal & blues bought us together as a band to create a new sound from our influences. Fuzzy, Fast and Loud!

B2, 496 Sprowston Road 496 Sprowston Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 4DY