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ESDR presents Trixie Mattel


About this Event


First Great Western Trains have gone and ruined our plans for an early start by cancelling all the trains today. Trixie Mattel is currently in a taxi from London to Bristol, as as a result the show will begin later. We aim to begin the show at 8.30pm but please be aware it could be 9.00pm, depending on traffic. We apologise for the change of showtime.

Doors will still be at 5.30, to accommodate those who have travelled and need a place to be.

ESDR Team x

TRIXIE MATTEL was a contestant touted by many as an early front-runner in Season 7. A seemingly premature elimination in episode 4 caused outrage among fans, which along with BenDeLaCreme's early elimination in season 6 has gone down as one of the most controversial eliminations in Drag Race herstory.

TICKETS: http://bit.ly/2bbktvL

Mattel was considered a strong competitor, and many viewers slammed RuPaul's decision as seeming to be purposefully controversial. Fans started a #justicefortrixie campaign to get her reinstated and she was brought back in episode 8, only to be eliminated again in episode 10. Later, Mattel became one of the breakout stars of season 7, along with Katya Zamolodchikova.

SUPPORT: VENUS DIMILO makes her Bristol debut. Venus was discovered by a peasant drag queen in early 2014, concealed in a secret vault beneath the ancient city of Newcastle. She remained hidden until the vault was discovered and Venus was brought into the light. Demilo is a fierce queen and a rare beauty. Don't let her missing arms fool you, she really packs a punch! Venus regularly performs as part of KLUB KIDS UK and we are excited to welcome her to Eat Sleep Drag Repeat

PLUS: Special guest queen Elliott all the way from Dallas, Texas. Elliot has been doing drag since he was 15 years old. He's a professional dancer, and has been working as a dancer for the past two years on a cruise line. while onboard, he hosted his own drag show and has performed for people from all over the world. He's performed in 5 different countries, and want to continue traveling and performing throughout the world.

HOST: ALFIE ORDINARY is the son of a drag queen and a clown. When he isn’t doing his paper round, he likes to sing and tell stories about his time at ‘Madame Le Coq’s Preparatory School for Fabulous Boys’. Alfie identifies as fabulous and we hope you think he is, too.

NB: Sometimes drag queen shows can run a little later than advertised due to unplanned for she-mergencies. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by late shows.

This event is 18+ only and the venue operates a Challenge 25 policy. For conditions of sale please see ticket page.

Queenshilling, 9 Frogmore Street 9 Frogmore Street, Bristol BS1 5NA