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More Than > Adesse Versions


About this Event

TONIGHT's the night...

The big one. The biggie. El fattie.

ADESSE VERSIONS [Numbers / Heist Recording / Berghain's Ostgut Ton]



£4 SOLD OUT / £5 SOLD OUT / £7 ALMOST GONE / £13 Last Release

More Than is proud to announce our largest event to date: We've only gone and wangled one of the hottest moguls of the moment for your auditory pleasure... Adesse Versions is going to be joining us for a 2 and a half hour set at the Moon Club, Lakota.

A devil on the decks and a solid producer to boot - last remaining £7 tickets are available via Headfirst: http://hdfst.uk/E34339

Resident support for the night comes from Selector Sessions triumphants Tommy & Stan and Belgrade Book Club. Anyone who came down to the two resident nights will know why we have chosen these slick selectors to warm the wheels!



If you want to be part of this movement, make it down to our 2 resident nights at Cosies: Weds 12th Oct & Weds 26th Oct. We're creating a core of music lovers. By attending both resident sessions you'll gain free entry to our headline nights and a membership card to boot.

Want to DJ in support of a big headliner? Inbox this page with a link to a recent mix and if it's up to scratch we'll get you on the decks at one of our resident sessions. The best DJ at both nights wins a spot at our headline night. Simple as.

We want conversations initiated and friendships forged during our nights. We want local DJs pushed to the forefront of the scene through our resident night system. We want to create a lasting impression on the Bristol scene and it's all down to who wants in. Do you?

Lakota, 6 Upper York Street 6 Upper York Street, Bristol BS2 8QN