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Booking Enquiry

Thru Our Gaze


About this Event

TICKETS : http://thruourgaze.bigcartel.com/product/thru-our-gaze-exhibition-afterparty

COME THRU COME THRU to experience a night of art, photography, film, live music and more.

Expect a number of pieces from a select group of Bristol's young artists; through which your senses will be delightfully invigorated.

At the 123space on Stokes Croft, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30pm, we will be exhibiting our work in company of sounds from DJs and live musicians.

From 10pm there will be an AFTERPARTY at Cosies, 32 Portland Square, featuring DJ Del Monte, Alfie Warin and reubenjoseph.

Spread the word and bring plenty friends, family and fun. We hope to see you there.

*Limited tickets also available OTD

Cosies!, 34 Portland Square 34 Portland Square, Bristol BS2 8RG