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Psycho:Drama Presents - March Madness


About this Event

We are back with March Installment of one of Bristols longest running Gay Alternative nights.

This time we are doing things a little different from usual. Firstly we are opening a little later than usual at 11:30 because we are following on from the amazing Eat Sleep Drag Repeat with ALYSSA EDWARDS (https://www.facebook.com/events/233904520356515/).

Secondly we are donating all profits from the door to MIND.

Mental Health is a subject very close to our hearts at Psycho:Drama and we would like to do something to help all those who have trouble coping.

A study was carried out by the LGBT support charity Metro in 2014 where they interviewed 7,000 16 to 24-year-olds across the UK about their experiences, several startling details were revealed

• 42% of young LGBT people have sought medical help for anxiety or depression

• 52% of young LGBT people report self-harm either now or in the past

• 44% of young LGBT people have considered suicide

Full article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/25711600/higher-suicide-risk-for-young-gay-and-lesbian-people

All profits with be going to MIND (http://www.mind.org.uk) to help provide an ear to listen to you when you think all avenues are closed and the dark clouds decend.

Queenshilling, 9 Frogmore Street 9 Frogmore Street, Bristol BS1 5NA