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ESDR presents STUN #1 w/ Charity Kase


About this Event

Eat Sleep Drag Repeat bring you a new dressy, draggy danceparty this Bank Holiday Easter Sunday! STUN#1 with live transformation in the club from our guest artist CHARITY KASE, star of #100daysofdrag. DRESS UP!

Straight after our show ESDR presents Coco Peru (SOLD OUT) at the Cube Microplex, we're taking you over to that ol' temple of fun the Queenshilling for a night of outrageous and stunning looks.

ALFIE ORDINARY and EMILY MEOW are your #stunning guest DJs playing a mix of Queer Disco / 80s / 90s / 00s / Synth / Bratpop & Girlbands Gone Bad. Guest host BOO GATTI will be working the floor.

Charity Kase aka @internetchav is our first STUN guest. He'll be showcasing his #100daysofdrag challenge (which has now been extended to a whole year!) and we'll be showing all of his looks so far across the screens at the venue. Check out some of these amazing #100daysofdrag looks here: https://www.instagram.com/internetchav

Are you feeling STUN? This is a party all about dressing up, having fun and looking #stunning. Let your imagination go wild and wear whatever you like; we welcome all looks including drag, fetish, burlesque, clubkid, underwear, cosplay... whatever! We encourage creativity.

Set your face to STUN


£6 on the door

£3 for ESDR presents Coco Peru ticket holders

Design by Nicholas Darby Illustration

Queenshilling, 9 Frogmore Street 9 Frogmore Street, Bristol BS1 5NA