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Booking Enquiry

Pairs or Pears BOP


About this Event

Name a more iconic duo than Shab and Adam...

I'll wait.

Join us on Monday 1st week for a night of dualistic delights and fruity fun.

Bring your better halves out: we’re talking Scoobys and Shaggies, salt and pepper, Trump and Putin.

Or if you ap-pear to be without a friend, come dressed as your most favourite tangiest, juiciest fruits.

As always, free shots at the start, so come early and get watermelon-ed off your faces. Should be the Pearfect night.

SIGN UP BY 6pm MONDAY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCv8ZJMAnEq6p-rJqinZhWEocvY5kx8_hWN9QZL0cvx-CvHA/viewform

Hope to see you there!

Shabadam, Maz&Loz

(With help from the newest iconic duo Lib and Hol aka Lollybops)

xoxo xoxo xoxo

Emporium Oxford, 28-31 St Ebbes Street 28-31 St Ebbes Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX11