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Shit Indie Disco-Fuck The Tory Party Party/Corbyn Victory Specia


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£3 TICKETS HERE: skiddle.com/e/12988221

Here's hoping for a Labour win in the general election. If they do, we're going to throw a big party to celebrate. If they don't, we're going to have a dance and drown our sorrows in alcohol and great music.

Let's hope the tories and Thersea May are shown once and for all that their lies, deception, cuts, austrery, destruction of fair education for all, privatising of the NHS, stripping of workers rights, encouragement of zero hour contracts, refusing to accept that nurses are using food banks in 2017, refusing to accept we have have a homeless problem or a housing crisis. That we do not want people to have to pay for social care. We want pensioners to be protected. We're fed up of the eldery dying because they can't afford to fucking heat their house. We are angry at seeing banks being bailed out, at fat cats avoiding tax and prosecution for their role in the banking crisis. We don't want to see the houses of parliment cheering when they vote to drop bombs on Syria. We don't want to be lied to about an extra £350 Million a week to go the NHS when we leave the EU. We don't want to hear the words strong and stable when you don't have the guts to debate Corbyn on TV. We don't care about your boring shoe stories, we don't want your hard brexit, you can't eat chips properly and you want to bring back fox hunting.

Enough is enough!

Time for the witch to go!

Time for fresh ideas, fresh leadership, time for change!!!

If we manage to kick May and her gang of tory elites out of number 10 on June 8, then on June 9th we'll be playing loads of indie and party anthems to celebrate a new era of hope. Join us.

£3 TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE: skiddle.com/e/12988221

24 Kitchen Street, 24 Kitchen Street 24 Kitchen Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 0AN