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Booking Enquiry

Student Council


About this Event

Free Pizza and enough Democracy to last you around 3 months, what more could you want?

The first of our Student Councils will be held on Thursday 16th November 2017 from 6.30-8pm in the Anson Rooms, Bristol SU!!

All students can attend and debate the motions below. Members of student council can vote! Members include society presidents, club captins, course reps, faculty reps, chairs of networks and trustees.

Please arrive from 6pm to sign in and to get all the free pizza!

The agenda is ready:

Click here to see it in full: https://www.bristolsu.org.uk/student-voice/get-involved/democratic-events

- Introductions

- Officer updates

- Ratify policy from last year


1. Boycott Barclays

2. To require the SU to host hustings for all full time SU officer positions

3. Speaker Disinvitation Procedure

4. To continue to boycott the NSS vs to stop boycotting the NSS - 2 opposing motions to be debated:

a. NSS Boycott New Motion - continue to boycott the NSS

b. New Year, New Tactics - stop boycotting the NSS

5. Approving Bristol SU Networks Standing Mandates - Motion

- Standing Mandates for all networks

6. Accommodating students of faith

You are welcome to submit amendments to any motion but we ask for these to be submitted by midday on Wednesday 15th November - they can be emailed to the Chair of Student Council - bristolsu-council@bristol.ac.uk.

If you have any questions or have any accessibility needs for the meeting please do get in touch!

Bristol SU, Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road, Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road,, Bristol BS8 1LN