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Booking Enquiry

Fridays at Pryzm


About this Event


Start your weekend in style! 1 venue, 3 club rooms, 1 cocktail bar. There is no where else you should be this Friday.

Pryzm: Scottie B

Disco: Phill Dunn

Bar: Ardell Mafi

Curve (Over 21s): London DJs on Rotation

Admission Information:

£6.00 advance tickets

Free entry into Curve bar before 10:00pm

Last entry 1:30am

VIP Booths from £20.00

Dress Code – Smart Dress / Fashion trainers only Strictly Over 18s / Strictly Over 21s into CURVE Club ID Information: This club operates Scannet and so you will be required to produce ID (passport, driving licence or PASS) as a condition of entry.

21:30 - 03:30

Oceana, 154 Clarence Street 154 Clarence Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Greater London KT1 1QP